'Dead Pixels' will start streaming on Disney+ Hotstar on May 19. The web show's pre-release event was attended by the who's who of the team. The comedy-drama tells the story of three online friends...Continue reading
Niharika has already given two flops in Telugu and the actress is not deterred. She is continuing to work in her upcoming films with full confidence. Her film in Kollywood has also flopped. The se...Continue reading
It's known that a high-end pub was raided by a special Task Force in Hyderabad in the wee hours of Sunday. The raid happened reportedly on a tip-off that it was a rave party where drugs were being ...Continue reading
Niharika Konidela forayed into cinema with 'Oka Manasu'. The film was a disaster. She went slow for a while and then moved on to her next film. Her second film is 'Happy Wedding'. The shoot of this...Continue reading
Niharika Konidela’s upcoming film is gearing up for audio launch on 18th May. The entire Konidela family is in awe and has come in support for the their daughter. Cousins Ram Charan, Allu Arjun,...Continue reading
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