'Narappa', produced by Suresh Productions Pvt Ltd and V Creations, stars Venkatesh and is directed by Sreekanth Addala. D Suresh Babu and Kalaippuli S Thanu, the producers of the action drama, toda...Continue reading
The action-drama 'Narappa', starring Venkatesh in the lead, is the biggest direct OTT Telugu release of the year. Directed by Srikanth Addala, the film will start premiering on Amazon Prime from Ju...Continue reading
Shah Rukh Khan is this year's Numero Uno star of Indian cinema. His latest release, ‘Jawan’, made history on Thursday by amassing massive openings at the box office. Its Hindi version n...Continue reading
‘Thikka’ is a Telugu/Kannada film which has reached the final leg of shooting with just a song and two days of talkie part left for shooting. The film stars Srihari, Krishna (Kitti), Priyamani...Continue reading
National award winner Priyamani renowned for a wide range of roles in South Indian films is going to appear in a dual role in her forthcoming film ‘Charulatha’. For the first time in Indian cinema...Continue reading
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