It is a known fact that Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently working for his upcoming movie under Boyapati Srinu's direction. The movie titled 'Akhanda' has caught up with decent buzz after the relea...Continue reading
'Back Door', starring Poorna in the lead, stars Teja Tripurana as the hero. Directed by Karri Balaji, it has received U certificate from the CBFC board. Produced by B Srinivas Reddy, the film was a...Continue reading
The much awaited movie ‘Laddu Babu’ starring Allari Naresh, Poorna and Bhumika in the lead roles under the banner Maharadhi Films and Tripuraneni productions is probably going to get released on 1...Continue reading
Nikesha Patel, who made her acting debut in ‘Puli’ opposite Pawan Kalyan, has been roped in by M S Raju for his forthcoming film ‘RUM’ (Ramba Urvashi Menaka). She will be sharing her screen space ...Continue reading
'Power Play', starring Raj Tarun in the lead, recently started streaming on Amazon Prime. It's learned that the thriller is doing well ever since it was released on OTT. "I am receiving phone call...Continue reading
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