'Alaa Ninnu Cheri' is the title of an upcoming movie to be helmed by newcomer Maresh Shivan, who is also penning the film's story, screenplay and dialogues. Dinesh Tej of 'Hushaaru' fame is frontin...Continue reading
’24 Kisses’ starring Hebah Patel and Arun Adith in the lead roles has completed its censor formalities and received ‘A’ certificate from censor board members. Producers have...Continue reading
Varun Tej as hero, a film titled ‘Mister’ is being made under Srinu Vaitla’s direction. Nallamalupu Srinivas (Bujji) and Tagore Madhu are jointly producing the film on Lakshmi Nar...Continue reading
"Kumari 21F" starring Raj Tarun and Hebah Patel and being produced by director Sukumar is going to be released on 20th November. The film's music by Devi Sri Prasad is already superhit and the y...Continue reading
VK Naresh has played the role of a patriarch in 'The Great Indian Suicide', this week's OTT release. Streaming on Aha Video, the film has Naresh in a shocking role. The twist about his character ha...Continue reading
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