As mentioned earlier Allu Arjun-Trivikram’s film is going to hit floors shortly. The regular shooting is likely to begin from November 2nd in Hyderabad. After ‘Nenu Naa Rakshashi’, Ileana was not...Continue reading
Ravi Teja and Ileana starrer Amar Akbar Anthony was being shot in the US. The film has wrapped its US schedule. The film has a backdrop of the US. So the shooting was done in two schedules here. Bo...Continue reading
The much hyped audio of director Shankar’s ‘Snehitudu’ is all set to hit the music stand on January 19th. Shankar is remade the super duper hit Bollywood flick ‘3 Idiots’ in Tamil and Telugu as ‘N...Continue reading
Allu Arjun’Trivikram Rao’s ‘Julayi’ will be sent for the censor certificate in August 1st week. The film is set for release in Telugu and Malayalam on August 9th in 1600 theaters worldwide. While...Continue reading
Curvaceous beauty Ileana, who appeared very thin in both her recently released films ‘Julai’ and ‘Devudu Chesina Manushulu’, realized that she is no more attractive to the audiences, hence decid...Continue reading
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