The other day, Pragya Jaiswal was coming out of an upscale shop in Mumbai when she was unexpectedly mobbed by a handful of beggars. As she was coming out of the shop, the 'Kanche' actress was sough...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan starrer Nakshatram is almost finishing its shoot schedule. Apart from one song the rest of the film has completed its shoot. This one remaining song will be shot on a famous heroine...Continue reading
Pragya Jaiswal shot for 'Akhanda' in April. But a few days later, the shoot was called off as the second wave came striking intensely. The 'Kanche' actress is back on the sets of the Boyapati Srinu...Continue reading
Nata Simham Nandamuri Balakrishna's latest Roaring entertainer Akhanda USA Premieres on Dec 1st. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters list.Overseas release by Radha Krishna Entertainments. ...Continue reading
Nagarjuna’s devotional film ‘Om Namo Venkatesaya’ has wrapped up the shooting part and all formalities including post-production works and is getting ready to arrive theaters on F...Continue reading
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