The forthcoming psychological thriller and family entertainer “Budugu” written and directed by Manmohan has completed its shooting part last week and post production work is progressing at bris...Continue reading
Manchu Manoj-Deeksha Seth as lead pair and Nandamuri Balakrishna in key role with Panchi Bora as his pair, the film ‘Uoo Kodathara Ulikki Padathara’ is being crafted by director Sekhar Raja under M...Continue reading
Audio launch events are usually pretty regular and to the most part mundane. Most of the events focus on some dance performances and end by releasing the audio CD. This format has been happenin...Continue reading
The title of the film itself is quirky! Lakshmi Manchu’s new film titled ‘ Lakshmi Bomb’ was launched at the Annapurna Studios. The title has a caption ‘From Sivakasi’. This film will be directed b...Continue reading
Yes, we all know that Laxmi Manchu, Vishnu Manchu and Manoj Manchu Are the three younger Manchu’s in the industry. Now, there is a new Manchu who is making his debut with the film "Chandamama Katha...Continue reading
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