Vikram and Jagapathy Babu starrer action thriller ‘Shiva Thaandavam’ (Thaandavam in Tamil) is directed by A L Vijay. The film also features Anushka Shetty, Amy Jackson and Lakshmi Rai as leading la...Continue reading
After several changes in the release date to avert a box office clash between Surya and his brother’s film or due to demonetisation move, ‘Singam 3’ worldwide release has been off...Continue reading
Baahubali is shooting at a brisk pace. The first part of Baahubali left an unanswered question which was, “why did Kattappa kill Baahubali?”. The answer to this question has been filmed at the RFC ...Continue reading
A new picture of Anushka Shetty as Devasena from the film Baahubali 2 was released today. She looks stunning and makes one crave more for what is awaiting in S S Rajamouli's Baahubali 2. In the pr...Continue reading
After Baahubali Anushka Shetty will acting in Bhagamati which will be directed by choreographer-turned-director Ashok G. Talking about the film this director said that contrary to what all are thin...Continue reading
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