Varun Tej as hero, a film titled ‘Mister’ is being made under Srinu Vaitla’s direction. Nallamalupu Srinivas (Bujji) and Tagore Madhu are jointly producing the film on Lakshmi Nar...Continue reading
"I've seen Raj Tarun playing boy next door and funny roles. But in Andhhagadu he has shown a lot of versatility. The film has many interesting twists. What started off like a comedy entertainer end...Continue reading
‘Nanna Nenu Naa Boyfriend’, the film staring Hebah patel is slowly gathering momentum. The title has perked interest. Directed by Bhaskar Bandi a former associate of VV Vinayak, this film is produc...Continue reading
'Dhoom Dhaam', starring Chetan Krishna and Hebah Patel as a romantic pair, is NOT going to be released on September 13. Producer MS Ram Kumar has indefinitely postponed the movie in view of the pre...Continue reading
'Dhoom Dhaam', starring Chetan Krishna and Hebah Patel as a romantic pair, has its Teaser released. Producer MS Ram Kumar is planning to release the movie in theatres on November 8. The Teaser sho...Continue reading
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