After ‘Ramayya Vasthavayya’, NTR is currently doing the film under Santosh Srinivas’ direction. Title ‘Joru’ is being considered for this film. Samantha and Praneetha are the leading ladies. Sho...Continue reading
Tamil actor Surya, who also has very big fan base in Andhra, has confessed that he has missed out a golden opportunity to work with star director Rajamouli. Speaking at ‘Sikander’ audio launch func...Continue reading
The audio of much hyped film ‘Dhookudu’ is all set to hit the market in the first week of August. As per the Film Nagar sources the date for the audio launch has been fixed as August 7th, i.e., S...Continue reading
Noted director Trivikram, who's well known as 'Wizard of words', is going to make a movie under the banner of 'Haarika and Hassine Creations', which's a third movie for the director in the same ban...Continue reading
‘Mahanati’, a biopic on legendary Telugu actress Savitri, is one of the most awaited films in the recent times. The recently released teaser has got tremendous response. Now, an interes...Continue reading
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