Energetic Star Ram’s forthcoming film under Kishore Tirumala’s direction, has been titled as ‘Vunnadi Okkate Zindagi’. This new film is being made with Energetic Star Ram as...Continue reading
'Karthikeya 2' has a strong Gujarat connection. The mystical adventure thriller was shot in the Western State predominantly. The Dwaraka connection was also integral to the film's story. The news ...Continue reading
It is a new record for Ram Pothineni's film on the digital platform. The dubbed version of his film Hello Guru Prema Kosame has garnered one million likes on Youtube. This film is known as Dhumdaar...Continue reading
Nikhil Siddhartha's '18 Pages', written by director Sukumar (both story and screenplay), will head to theatres on December 23. The film is in the news over the arrival of the Gopi Sundar-composed '...Continue reading
'Karthikeya 2' has been running to packed houses ever since it was released in theatres on Saturday (Aug 13). Its success meet was held and producer Abhishek Agarwal of Abhishek Pictures dedicated ...Continue reading
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