The super stylish stills of Victory Venkatesh from his upcoming film ‘Shadow’ were released yesterday. It’s an action thriller on mafia backdrop being directed by Meher Ramesh. The teaser and som...Continue reading
Starring Adith Arun of 'PSV Garuda Vega' fame and Shivani Rajashekar (the daughter of Rajasekhar-Jeevitha duo), 'WWW' is a thriller directed by KV Guhan. The news is that a melodious song titled 'N...Continue reading
Kalyan Ram and Tamannah starrer 'Naa Nuvve' was postponed to June 1. The film was to release today. The makers delayed the release as some work relating to the film was not complete. The makers ha...Continue reading
S S Rajamouli’s film Baahubali 2 is progressing briskly. News is that team Baahubali 2 is planing to wrap the shoot of the film by 27th December. Most crucial part of the film has finished its shoo...Continue reading
‘That Is Mahalakshmi’ starring Tamannaah in the lead role, is about how a young innocent lady transforms into a strong independent woman. The teaser and recently released first song hav...Continue reading
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