Zanjeer's crew Ram Charan, Sanjay Dutt and Priyanka Chopra has given a pose to the camera. This excellent shot was posted by Priyanka Chopra on her twitter account. Zanjeer is gearing up ...Continue reading
It was Kareena Kapoor who had earlier made headlines by becoming the highest paid female actor with Madhur Bhandarkar’s ‘Heroine’. And now, Priyanka has gone a step ahead with 1973 blockbuster ‘Za...Continue reading
Priyanka Chopra is known to have always dressed up to the nines. With her, ever gorgeous looks and confident gestures, Priyanka is always setting the bar high for fashion lovers. The latest pictur...Continue reading
Ram Charan is giving a grand entry in Bollywood with a project costing Rs 70 cr or more and this movie is expected to release in theaters worldwide on September 6th. ‘Zanjeer’, being the remake of...Continue reading
Priyanka Chopra is one famous actress who has confessed to being a perfectionist. Her dedication to perfection also helped her win several awards. Believe it or not, the actress who is currently ...Continue reading
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