The release date of Priyamani’s highly anticipated film has been confirmed as September 21st. This psychological horror thriller, which is first of its kind in Indian cinema is the adaptation of T...Continue reading
‘Odela RailwayStation’, produced by KK Radha Mohan of Sri Sathya Sai Arts, is written by Sampath Nandi. Directed by debutant Ashok Teja, Vasishta Simha is its hero. A crime thriller, th...Continue reading
'Cyanide', directed by the winner of several national and international awards director Rajesh Touchriver, stars the National-award winning actress Priyamani in the lead. Middle East Cinema Pvt Ltd...Continue reading
The shooting of ‘Kshetram’ has finally come to an end. The film features Jagapathi Babu, Priyamani and ‘Kick’ Shyam in the lead and is directed by T Venu Gopal under Sri Balaji Movie Makers banner...Continue reading
After 'Bhama Kalapam' and 'Narappa', Priyamani is doing a crime thriller titled 'Dr 56'. Director Rajesh Ananda Leela today brought out its motion poster. Thousands of people are impacted by someth...Continue reading
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