C Kalyan and Puri Jagannath have announced a new film starring Charmi kaur in the lead role, titled ‘Jyothi Lakshmi’ on Wednesday, February 4, at ‘Pishachi’ trailer launch function which was held a...Continue reading
Charmme has no films in hand and this actress is planing to produce a film. Meanwhile on her Twitter handle the actress asked her fans about what sort of hairstyle she has to sport. Little did her ...Continue reading
Melody Brahma Mani Sharma has been signed to compose music for director Puri Jagannadh’s next movie titled ‘iSmart Shankar.’ This is the sixth film in the combination of Mani and ...Continue reading
'Double iSmart' is a massive disaster. On August 15, the 'word of mouth' was not horrible. Many believed that it wouldn't be as bad a disaster as 'Mr. Bachchan'. But the film is a historic flop of ...Continue reading
'Liger' recently completed its shoot in Mumbai. The Vijay Deverakonda-Puri Jagannadh movie, which is a pan-India release, will head to theatres on August 25. The buzz is that the producers of the ...Continue reading
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