Chandu, Sonali and Alekhya starrer, ‘24/Love’ with a tag line ‘Varma Kaina Obama Kaina’ is being made under the banner ‘Ranganatham Films Productions’ as production No-1 film with Sirikonda Ranganatham as producer. Puri Jagannath’s protégé VS Phani is making his debut as director. The audio which is composed by Sri Koti has released recently in a grand way at Prasad Lab Preview Theater. Suresh Kondeti, who graced the occasion as Chief Guest launched the audio CD. Soon after the audio launch, producers Prasanna Kumar and Sai Venkat unveiled banner Logo and title Logo respectively.
On the eve of audio release, Prasanna Kumar said, “The music composed by Sri Koti came out very well. After watching songs and trailers, I am confident that the film is definitely going to be a big success. I wish that the film will bring lots of profit.”
“’24/Love’ title is awesome. I wish Puri Jagannath’s disciple VS Phani will earn good name. I wish success to the film,” said Suresh Kondeti, speaking at the audio function.
Music director Sri Koti expressed his views saying, “The reason behind the good audio is the director. The director and the producer have given me lot of freedom. I wish that audience will encourage audio as well as the film.”
Sirikonda Ranganatham informed the press, “’24/Love’ is the first venture from our banner. Director VS Phani was introduced to me through my friend. At first we did a short film. It came out very well; therefore we started working on the film. Sri Koti rendered wonderful music. The film has completed all formalities. We will reveal the release date of the film soon.”
Director VS Phani said, “How would it be, if we love for 24 hours and how would it be if we love 24 hours, is the concept of the story. Everyone in the team has passion towards films and did much heard work for the good outcome of the film. Sri Koti has given wonderful music. I hope the film is going to be a success.”
Hero Chandu, Heroine Sonali, Alekya, SV Rangarao’s granddaughter Jaya, Krish, Silpa, Suri K and others have attended the function.