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Star Hospitals Press Conference on Bariatric Surgery


We’ve all been there. A pair of pants that suddenly feels too tight. A flight of stairs, once an easy climb that seems like a monumental trek. Your knees, hips and back hurt, and you’re tired all the time.

These are all signs that your weight is creeping up. Yet, very few of us realise that as we gradually pile on the kilos, we’re growing closer to becoming an obesity statistic. Data released by the World Obesity Federation, a community of organisations dedicated to solving the problem of obesity, shows that the percentage of Indian adults living with obesity is set to jump to around 5% by 2025, from 3.7% in 2014. Urban Indians are getting fatter, and, if you don’t check yourself in time, you’ll have a big problem 011 your hands.

Samyodhin a patient was suffering from Obesity, Breathlessness, Sleeplessness & Arthritis for very long time. His weight of 210kg made his life very miserable. He had difficulty in walking. In that state he visited Dr.B.Narsaiah, Laparoscopic surgeon on April 06th 2016 in STAR Hospitals Dr.B.Narsaiah performed Laparoscopic and Obesity surgery on Samyodhin Now patient weight is reduced to 85 kgs. Samyodhin expressed his immense happiness and said that he made many efforts to reduce his weight but after meeting Dr.B.Narsaiah in STAR Hospitals, his life has changed he conveyed his sincere thanks to Doctor & STAR Hospitals. Team

Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery Bariatric Surgery