Jayadevanna Paintings Exhibition at Rainbow Art Gallery, Hyd
Medium : Acrylic on Canvas
Artist name : Jayadevanna.T.S
Date of birth : 28-2-1973
Place : Mysore
Education : DFA, AM in fine art, KEN Collage of fine art
Profession : Freelance Artist
Theme of Painting : The human emotions and life style depicting through most familiar channapattana traditional wooden toys from Karnataka
Artist Statement:
In this fast and stressing life, without our knowledge we are distancing from the nature and we are losing our humanity. we are transferring our responsibilities to the machines; human behavior and attitudes are changing accordingly. unavoidably we are changing our activities to artificial things. Is the definition of relationship and their feelings are changing in us? Can these artificial things be companion to us? Are these artificial things becoming potential barriers in relationship between human and nature?
This kind of questions are arising in my mind and I am expressing my feelings through folk toys, because these toys are our motionless representations.