The audio of much hyped film ‘Dhookudu’ is all set to hit the market in the first week of August. As per the Film Nagar sources the date for the audio launch has been fixed as August 7th, i.e., S...Continue reading
Tollywood is claiming popularity among Bollywood personalities and fans. All along the movies that were hit in Telugu were remade in Bollywood, the recent one being Salman Khan’s ‘Ready’. Now Sal...Continue reading
The shooting of ‘Dhookudu’ is progressing at a fast pace. The film starring Mahesh Babu and Samantha in lead roles is taking shape in the hands of director Srinu Vaitla. Ram Achanta, Gopichand Ac...Continue reading
It has been five years since the release of Mahesh Babu starrer Dookudu. The film was released on 23rd September in 2011. Directed by Srinu Vaitla this film became a huge hit. It also gave the much...Continue reading
Superstar Mahesh Babu’s ‘Dookudu’ under the direction of Sreenu Vaitla is a grand gala successful film in the year 2011. This 14 Reels Entertainment’s film that became the pride of Telugu cinema i...Continue reading
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