For the first time sensational director Murugadoss is producing a film under his home banner Hollywood by joining hands with Fox Star Studios. This prestigious film was titled as ‘Engeyum Eppodhum...Continue reading
Murugadoss’s first production venture in Tamil titled ‘Engeyum Eppodum’ by joining hands with Hollywood production house Fox Star Studios was directed by a debutant A Saravanan. The film starring ...Continue reading
A R Murugadoss’s first production venture titled ‘Engayum Eppodum’ was made in Tamil by partnering with Fox Star Studios. This movie is now being presented by Studio N and 3 K Entertainments in Te...Continue reading
‘Journey’ depicts the life journey of 4 youth. The film features Sharwanand, Ananya, Jai and Anjali in lead roles and was directed by Saravanan. The film is right now being dubbed under the super...Continue reading
Sharwanand, Jai, Anjali and Ananya starrer ‘Journey’ which was recently released by SK Pictures, Studio N and 3K Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., is running with houseful collections and heading towards su...Continue reading
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