Balakrishna’s untitled film under the direction of Parachuri Murali is being produced by M L Kumar Chowdary under Sri Keerthi Combines. The film has Lakshmi Rai and Saloni as leading ladies in whi...Continue reading
‘While ‘Simha’ shaked the box office in 2010, ‘Sri Ramarajyam’ got accolades worldwide in 2011. Balakrishna, who crossed 50 is giving a tough fight for young heroes by doing films belonging to dif...Continue reading
After completing the shooting of ‘Sri Ramarajyam’, Balakrishna has jumped into his other project that has a tentative title ‘Adhinayakudu’. This film which is being directed by Parachuri Murali ha...Continue reading
Balakrishna’s Adhinayakudu’ which was supposed to release on April 19th has been postponed to May 1st week. As per the film nagar sources the film will now release on May 4th. The reason is that ...Continue reading
Balakrishna’s ongoing untitled film under the direction of Parachuri Murali is presently progressing at Sivarla near Hyderabad. Right now some key scenes are being canned there. Lakshmi Rai and S...Continue reading
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