Directed by Puri Jagganadh and staring Kalyan Ram in the lead, the first look of the film is released. The movie has an unusual title ‘Ism’. The first look poster was released on the eve of Kalyan ...Continue reading
Two grand children of NTR will fight out on Friday with their films. Nara Rohith and Kalyan Ram will be competing with their films later this month. ‘Ism’ staring Kalyan Ram directed by Puri Ja...Continue reading
Nandamuri Kalyan Ram and Puri Jagan have teamed up for the powerful and slick action entertainer, 'ISM'. The movie has completed its censor formalities today and it has received a U/A rating from ...Continue reading
Kalyan Ram starrer ‘ISM’ is gearing up for a grand release. The promotions of the film have commenced. The track list of the film is out and two songs of the film are sung by director Puri Jagannad...Continue reading
The teaser of Daring Hero Nandamuri Kalyan Ram starrer powerful action entertainer ‘Ism’ has come out. The teaser suggests that the actor looks stylish with six-pack abs and bulged biceps. Dashing ...Continue reading
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