'Garuda Vega', the up-and-coming cop drama featuring the versatile Dr. Rajasekhar, is directed by Praveen Sattaru. A stylish comeback film of the angry actor, this is a high-voltage, sleek action ...Continue reading
National Award winner director Praveen Sattaru new mission with yesteryears angry young man Dr. Rajashekar ‘PSV Garuda Vega 126.18M’ movie released in a grand manner on yesterday. The f...Continue reading
We have seen the versatile actor Dr. Rajasekhar as an angry young man in such films as 'Ankusham', 'Magadu' and 'Aagraham'. It's time, once again, to see him as a cop in a stylish film. His...Continue reading
The Dr. Rajsekhar-starring 'PSV Garuda Vega', directed by the critically-acclaimed filmmaker Praveen Sattaru, is being made without compromising on quality aspects. Ever since the makers introduce...Continue reading
'PSV Garuda Vega - 126.18M', starring Angry Young Man Dr. Rajsekhar, Pooja Kumar, Kishore and others, is one of the most technically superior movies being made in Telugu film industry. Directed by...Continue reading
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