It is a well known fact in recent Tollywood that Chandamama Kathalu is a uniquely designed concept movie ready to hit summer screens any time soon. This film has created lot of curiosity in the fil...Continue reading
G. Venkateswara Rao is a good natured, humble, and down to earth individual. He works as a manger in an IT company called Pressmart and draws a handsome salary every month. He has everything in lif...Continue reading
Here is an another fascinating update from "Chandamama Kathalu" team, interestingly the team has developed an application for the viewers which connects directly to the makers of the film...all...Continue reading
“Time stands still for those in love”. 1972, Saritha is 18 and Mohan is 20. They are in love and want to get married. But, times were different back then. Sarithas’ parents are enraged by lear...Continue reading
A Working Dream Production’s Third Film “Chandamama Kathalu” is gearing up for release and the production house is promoting the film like never before. As part of a comprehensive promotional cam...Continue reading
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