IT Minister K T Rama Rao saw Keerthy Suresh starrer 'Mahanati' on the first day of its release. He has loved the film and has appreciated the film. He termed the film as incredible and was blown a...Continue reading
Keerthy suresh starrer Mahanati and the much awaited movie this season has been censored. Mahanati has been given a clean U certificate by the Censor Board. The film is gearing up for a grand relea...Continue reading
Nag Ashwin's film 'Mahanati' is just around the corner for release. The director is very excited about the film. He says that he has been researching about this film since a long time. He is glad t...Continue reading
Legendary actress Savitri’s biopic titled Mahanati is into all sort of positive news ever since its inception. Director Naga Ashwin’s in depth research exploring the life, working style...Continue reading
Biopic on actress Savitri 'Mahanati' is getting ready. Directed by Nag Ashwin this film has Keerthy Suresh playing the role of Savitri and Samantha will be seen in a prime role. The first look of t...Continue reading
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