Young and talented hero Sharvanand is well-known for the unique selection of stories. With his upcoming movie titled Srikaram in the making, here is a small surprise from the makers of Srikaram. A...Continue reading
The birthday of debutant director Kishore Reddy was today celebrated on the sets of 'Sreekaram'. Actor Sharwanand, who is believed to be playing a strong role in the movie, was present on the occas...Continue reading
Speaking on the occasion, prominent producer Anil Sunkara said that Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta are passionate producers. He expressed confidence that 'Sreekaram' will become a hit. Cinematograph...Continue reading
'Sreekaram' continues to be in the news ahead of its release. After 'Balegundi Bala', sung by Penchal Das and which has got more than 22 million views so far, a new song was released on Thursday. A...Continue reading
The teaser of 'Sreekaram' was on Tuesday out. Mahesh Babu unveiled it for 14 Reels Plus, which is led by Ram Achanta and Gopi Achanta. As expected, the film is about the importance of farmers. Sha...Continue reading
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