'Pelli SandaD', whose directorial supervisor is K Raghavendra Rao, features Roshan and Sree Leela in the lead. Marking the actress's birthday today, the makers have released a special video glimpse...Continue reading
'Pelli SandaD', which is the spiritual cousin of the K Raghavendra Rao-Srikanth blockbuster 'Pelli Sandadi' of 1996, stars Roshan (Srikanth's son) in the lead. The news is that Deepthi Bhatnagar, w...Continue reading
Legendary filmmaker K Raghavendra Rao, who helmed several superhit films in the Telugu film industry, is now debuting as an actor in his late seventies. The veteran director, who showed no interest...Continue reading
Roshan and Sree Leela as the lead pair, the movie Pelli SandaD hit the screens on 15th October. With positive early reports, the movie grabbed a good pace at the box office. The makers seem to be o...Continue reading
'Pelli SandaD', whose teaser was out recently, has completed its Censor formalities. The film is now gearing up for a grand Dasara release. Announcing the release of the movie in theatres, the mak...Continue reading
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