'The Raja Saab', starring Prabhas in the lead, is up for a grand theatrical release on April 10, 2025. People Media Factory unveiled a video titled 'Fan India Glimpse' in July. Since then, nothing ...Continue reading
Nowadays, all sorts of portals come up with all sorts of fake plots about movies that enjoy popularity. Recently, a plot summary of 'Guntur Kaaram' claimed that Mahesh Babu's Ramana is an underworl...Continue reading
Prabhas' 'Raja Saab' is directed by Maruthi. Recently, the 'Prati Roju Pandage' maker said that the romantic horror-comedy will hit the cinemas this year itself. People Media Factory has not been ...Continue reading
'The Raja Saab', starring Prabhas in the lead, is up for a grand theatrical release on April 10, 2025. People Media Factory made the release date official today. In a video titled 'Fan India Glimp...Continue reading
'The Raja Saab', starring Prabhas in the lead, is up for a grand theatrical release on April 10, 2025. People Media Factory's TG Vishwa Prasad has claimed that the film has been made on a budget of...Continue reading
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