Ambajipeta Marriage Band Movie is directed by the Dushyanth Katikineni and produced by Dheeraj Mogilineni under the banner GA2 Pictures, the movie cast includes Suhas, Shivani Nagaram, Jagadeesh Prathap Bandari and Nithin Prasanna. Sekhar Chandra composed the music for Ambajipeta Marriage Band.
'Ambajipeta Marriage Band', starring Suhas, Saranya Pradeep, debutante Shivani Nagaram and Nithin Prasanna in pivotal roles, was released in theatres on February 2. Presented by GA2 Pictures, the f...Continue reading
1. 'Ambajipeta Marriage Band': Starring Suhas in the lead, the film is produced jointly by GA2 Pictures and director Venkatesh Maha's Maha Creations. It is also coming from the banner of Swecha Cre...Continue reading
‘Ambajipeta Marriage Band’, starring Suhas in the lead, has confirmed its release date. The comedy-drama will be released in theatres on February 2 next year (2024). Produced jointly b...Continue reading
The audio rights to Suhas' ‘Ambajipeta Marriage Band’ have been pocketed by Sony Music. The music label acquired the rights owing to the positive vibes surrounding the film. "The MASSY ...Continue reading
As was reported earlier, the First Look poster of ‘Ambajipeta Marriage Band’ was unveiled today. We see Suhas leading a marriage band comprising Goparaju Ramana and Jagadeesh Pratap Ban...Continue reading
‘Ambajipeta Marriage Band’ is the title of an upcoming movie starring Suhas in the lead. Produced jointly by GA2 Pictures and director Venkatesh Maha's Maha Creations, the film is comin...Continue reading
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