Meelo Evaru Koteswarudu (MEK), the first of its kind TV game show in Telugu with the host of the stature of film Star Nagarjuna, has retained the top positions in the game shows for the 4th week in a row (from week 24 - 27) across all Telugu GECs.
• The game show commenced on 9th June in Maa TV with telecast from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 PM to 10.30 PM.
MEK reaches 1.22 Crore people in Urban A.P and Telangana, including Hyderabad ( out of the total TV viewing universe of 1.74 Crores as per TAM monitoring) and 1.61 Crores across India
• As per the latest TAM data for week 27, which is released on 10,h July, MEK has garnered an average of 7.79 TVRS in the CS ABC 4+ audiences over 4 days in 6 hours, which is the highest rating for a weekly show in Telugu TV industry.
For the weeks 24 to 27, MEK has recorded average TVRs of 7.26 , 7.24, 7.04 and 7.79 in CS ABC 4+ audiences category
• In the CS Female 15-44 ABC audiences, MEK has achieved TVRs of 9.48, 10.05, 9.94, 10.47 TVRs in the four weeks, with a highest TVRs of 19.4 TVRs on Wednesday (18th June) in Telugu Market.
• MEK has garnered 125 GRPs in week 27
• Out of Top 5 Programmes in Telugu Television for week 27, MEK has taken 4 positions
MEK has achieved phenomenal reach across Telugu Audiences in 4 weeks across various target audience categories: 70% in CS 4+ audiences, 73% CS ABC 15+, 74% CS Male ABC 15-44, 75% CS Female ABC 15+ and 81% in CS Male ABC 15+ category.