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Businessman Accuses Mammootty of Promoting 'Anti-Hindu' Agenda


Malayalam superstar Mammootty has been described by a businessman named Mohammed Sharshad as someone who pushes an anti-Hindu agenda through his movies. He gave the example of 'Puzhu', a Mollywood movie starring the 'Yatra' actor in the lead. It was released in 2022.

In 'Puzhu', Mammootty played an IPS officer from the Brahmin community. He is shown as problematic, narrow-minded, bigoted and toxic in the movie. Apparently, its director Ratheena PT had first wanted to do an entertainer with the legendary actor. However, the 'Brahmayugam' star insisted that she comes up with a subject that shows Hindus as regressive and petty-minded.

In the context of reporting this, Daily Pioneer went further and wrote about the prevalence of an Islmaist "mafia" in the Malayalam film industry. "In Kerala, artists and technicians suspected of any links with Hindu outfits are ostracized from the film industry by the Mattancherry Mafia, which is a group of Islamists whose only mission is to make use of the medium of cinema to humiliate and tarnish the Sanatana Dharma," the report says.

The report against Mammootty is controversial. It has been five days since it was published. And the daily is yet to take it down.