Hindi poet and former politician Kumar Vishwas is pretty popular in the Hindi belt. He is one of the founding members of the Aam Aadmi Party. Earlier this year, he made a speech criticizing actor Saif Ali Khan for naming his son after an Islamic invader (read Taimur) who butchered Hindus. "We will buy tickets, we will make you a hero, we will make you a heroine and, when you have a child, you will name it after some invader coming from outside. You could have named him as Rizwan, Usman, Yunus, or Huzoor. This is not acceptable," Kumar Vishwas said.
Many Netizens are of the view that Vishwas delivered a hate speech against the Bollywood actor and his wife, Kareena Kapoor. "What happened to Saif Ali Khan wasn’t a robbery attempt. It was an attempt on his and his kids' lives. Just last week Kumar Vishwas delivered a hate speech attacking the Saif-Kareena duo and their kids. What happened today could very well be an outcome of that hate speech," wrote a social media user.
But the content of his speech doesn't meet the definition of hate speech. Vishwas didn't call for violence against Saif Ali Khan in the speech.