Sky Force is the title of Akshay Kumar's upcoming Hindi-language action drama film. Set to hit the cinemas this Friday (January 24), the film tells the story of India's retaliatory attack on the Sargodha airbase of Pakistan in the Indo-Pakistani air war of 1965. Also starring Veer Pahariya alongside Sara Ali Khan and Nimrat Kaur, the big-scale movie is directed by Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani.
The makers of the film, in collaboration with a multiplex chain, are selling the movie's tickets at deep discounts. From January 24 to 26, each transaction comes with Rs 400 off. You should be able to watch the movie for as low a price as Rs 40 PVR-Inox's multiplex screens across the country.
The marketing strategy is first-of-its-kind in Indian cinema. The makers seem to be utterly confident that 'word of mouth' is going to be positive and keep their movie going from the first Monday. If this marketing strategy works, it will be a trend-setter.