'Ooriki Utharana' is an upcoming movie directed by Satish. Produced by Vanaparthi Venkatayya, the film's pre-release event was held today. Speaking on the occasion, the director thanked the produc...Continue reading
'Grandhalayam' is the title of an upcoming action entertainer produced by Vaishnavi Sri Creations. The film will hit the cinemas on March 3. Its pre-release event was held today. Speaking on the o...Continue reading
'Miles Of Love', starring Abhinav Medisetty of 'Husharu' fame and Ramya Pasupaleti in lead roles, is directed by Nandan. Produced by Raji Reddy, its music by RR Dhruvan. The film will be released i...Continue reading
'1980s Lo Radhe Krishna' is the title of an upcoming movie produced by Voodugu Sudhakar under the banner of SV Creations. Ismail Shaik has wielded the megaphone. Headlined by SS Saidulu, Brahmaramb...Continue reading
Bigg Boss Telugu fame Sohel's 'Lucky Lakshman' is scheduled to be released in theatres on December 30. Its pre-release event was held on Tuesday. Producer Haritha Gogineni called the movie a well-...Continue reading
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