Nagarjuna plays the role of a TV host in the upcoming film Nirmala Convent. This role is somewhat similar to the role that Anil Kapoor played in Slumdog Millionaire. Nag will be seen as the host of...Continue reading
In 'Naa Saami Ranga', Allari Naresh is Allari Anji, an innocuous villager who knows no ill feeling. Repeatedly using the word 'Maatocchetthadi', his character lives by his word because he doesn't k...Continue reading
‘Oopiri’ which was released on March 25 is running successfully with a supper hit talk. Some big heads in the film industry watched the film and praised it to the skies. Sensational director VV Vin...Continue reading
King Nagarjuna has become real Pongal king of this season at USA Box-office. It just started with a $50,000 premiere shows and with unanimous mouth talk it’s heading towards a blockbuster with very...Continue reading
Akhil made a brief but commendable appearance in ‘Manam’. And if sources are to be believed, Vikram Kumar, who introduced him in ‘Manam’ is going to direct his maiden film too! It seems that Nag a...Continue reading
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