'Pachchis' is an upcoming movie produced jointly by Kaushik Kumar Katthuri and Ramasai on Avasa Chitram and Rastha Films. A crime thriller, the film is directed by the Sri Krishna-Rama Sai duo. Cos...Continue reading
'The Ghost', which is Akkineni Nagarjuna's most ambitious project, will head to theatres on October 5. Director Praveen Sattaru today reconfirmed that its theatrical trailer will be out on Aug 25. ...Continue reading
‘Manam’ movie completed its Hyderabad shooting schedule recently. A few scenes involving Naga Chaitanya, Samantha, Aali and few others from main cast were canned. The film is taking shape in the ...Continue reading
The entire shooting part of Young hero Akkineni Akhil’s much awaited romantic action thriller ‘Hello’ has been wrapped up. Akhil posted the news on Twitter. The actor said that He...Continue reading
Nagarjuna has agreed to make the film Manmadhudu 2. The project was in the pipeline for long. Nag has now consented to do the film. Manmadhudu 2 will be a romantic drama and Rahul Ravindran will di...Continue reading
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