Title for Shivaji’s new film has been finalized as ‘Chusinodiki Chusinantha’. This is an out and out comedy entertainer being directed by the debut director Anil Vatipalli. Nithya and Lezli wi...Continue reading
Shivaji’s new film ‘Kolimi’ which is on the backdrop of Telangana movement will hit floors from May 16th onwards. The interesting aspect of this film is that a song will be written by TRS Presiden...Continue reading
Shivaji’s new film ‘Gurudu’ is said to be made in a different manner which Shivaji has not done before. The film is taking shape in the hands of director Kiran with Shivaji as software engineer. ...Continue reading
Shivaji and Archana starrer ‘Kamalatho Naa Prayanam’ which was directed by Narasimha Nandi of ‘1940 Lo Oka Gramam’ fame has successfully completed the shooting part. Isanaka Sunil Reddy and Siddha...Continue reading
Actor Shivaji Sontineni has donated Rs.2 lakhs for Telugu film producers council (TFPC) to help the daily wage workers in the Telugu film industry, who have lost work and money due to the cor...Continue reading
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