'Konaseema Thugs' is an upcoming action drama produced by Riya Shibu. Starring Hridhu Haroon, Bobby Simha (recently seen in 'Waltair Veerayya'), RK Suresh, and Munishkanth in lead roles, the film a...Continue reading
Meenakshi Chaudhary of 'Khiladi', 'Guntur Kaaram' and 'HIT 2' fame has at least five movies coming up in Telugu in the next seven or eight months. Here are the ones: 1. Lucky Baskhar: Releases on ...Continue reading
'Lucky Baskhar' features Manasa Choudhary of 'Bubblegum' fame in an undisclosed role. Her presence in the film's Trailer suggests that her character could be a honeytrap set by the police. She shar...Continue reading
Cinematographer Aghosh Vyshnavam is known for being a fashion photographer. He has collaborated with filmmaker Eshwar Peddi for an experimental project. The film is going to be shot with iPhone an...Continue reading
Rishab Shetty can rival Dulquer Salmaan in terms of gaining prominence in the Telugu film industry. What is common between the two actors is that they both are non-Telugu stars whose popularity amo...Continue reading
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