The success meet of 'KA' was held today in Hyderabad. Leading producer Dil Raju graced the occasion as a guest. Speaking on the occasion, Sujith, one of the directors, thanked Kiran Abbavaram for ...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan, who played in different films right from the starting of his career, as hero and Anisha Ambrose as heroine, ‘Run’ is being produced by Sudhakar Charukuri, Kishore Garikapati and Aja...Continue reading
Bollywood’s popular director Kunal Kohli will now debut in Tollywood. He will be directing Sundeep Kishan and Tamannah in a Rom Com film. The film will be shot in London. Sachin Joshi will be...Continue reading
The latest Motion Poster of ‘Shamntakamani’ by Bhavya Creations to be creating a buzz in the city starring Nara Rohith, Sundeep Kishan, Sudheer Babu, Aadi Saikumar on the lead. Trending...Continue reading
Sundeep Kishan starrer Okka Ammayi Tappa has been certified by the Censor Board. It has been given a clean U certification. The film is readying up for a grand release on the 10th of this month. ...Continue reading
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