Santhosh Shobhan who came up with a variety storyline like Ek Mini Katha is all set to entertain the audience with his upcoming movie. Touted to be a movie which revolves around the concept of marr...Continue reading
'Kalyanam Kamaneeyam', produced by UV Creations, is a rom-com featuring Santosh Shoban Shankar and Priya Bhavani as the lead pair. The film, directed by Anil Kumar Aalla, will hit the cinemas on Ja...Continue reading
'Kalyanam Kamaneeyam' has Santosh Shoban in the role of a jobless husband. Priya Bhavani Shankar plays his wife in this UV Concepts production. Days ahead of the film's January 14th release, the ma...Continue reading
'Ek Mini Katha', starring Santosh Shoban and Kavya Thapar, will release in theatres on April 30. UV Concepts, a fellow companion of UV Creations, has commissioned and produced the movie. 'Does Size...Continue reading
'Kalyanam Kamaneeyam', produced by UV Creations, is a rom-com featuring Santosh Shoban Shankar and Priya Bhavani Shankar as the lead pair. The film, directed by Anil Kumar Aalla, will hit the cinem...Continue reading
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