'Baby', which is set to hit the cinemas on July 14, has been described by its makers as an emotional, unique love story. Starring Anand Deverakonda, Vaishnavi Chaitanya and Viraj Ashwin, the triang...Continue reading
'Baby' is the title of one of Anand Deverakonda's upcoming movies. Written and directed by Sai Rajesh (who has backed movies such as 'Colour Photo'), it is produced by SKN of the recent 'Manchi Roj...Continue reading
Days after the song 'Deva Raaja' from 'Baby' was out, the film is back in the news. The team of the upcoming Summer release was at the famous Srinidhi College in Hyderabad for promotions. The crowd...Continue reading
Anand Deverakonda's 'Baby' is in the news over the success of its first song, 'O Rendu Prema Meghaalila'. The makers today said that the song is trending on Spotify and YouTube, the music/video st...Continue reading
Often, there's a common belief that as producers and directors age, they may lose their ability to accurately gauge the audience's tastes. This phenomenon extends beyond filmmakers and producers; e...Continue reading
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