'Balagam' hits the cinemas on March 3. In three weeks, it arrived on OTT in three languages (read Telugu, Tamil, and Malayalam). Amazon Prime Video started streaming the box-office hit on Thursday...Continue reading
Priyadarshi Pulikonda, who was recently seen in the web series 'Save The Tigers' (streaming on Disney Plus Hotstar), is in the news for winning the Best Actor award for his performance in 'Balagam'...Continue reading
Aha, in its one year of existence, has seen 8.5 million installs, 52 million streaming hours and 25.5 million unique visitors. The Telugu-only OTT has also got 1.25 billion streaming minutes going ...Continue reading
In the coming two weeks, on two consecutive Fridays, two comedy entertainers are going to be released. Comedy is their broad genre, although the genres are different. 'Om Bheem Bush' (March 22nd re...Continue reading
'HanuMan' producer K Niranjan Reddy began this year on a great note. The Teja Sajja movie, directed by Prasanth Varma, became a sensational hit. However, the new producer has received two back-to-b...Continue reading
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