Sharan Kumar, who hails from the family of the Superstar Krishna-Vijaya Nirmala duo, is in the news ahead of the release of his movie. The makers of his debut movie today released a Hero Look Poste...Continue reading
Superstar Krishna starrer Gudachari 116 was one of its kind movie. It was a spy thriller and he was the first actor who brought this kind of film on Indian screen. The film came to theatres in the ...Continue reading
This week, a little-known film got released at the box office. It's 'Mr. King', which is headlined by debutant Sharan Kumar. For those who don't know, Sharan is Vijaya Nirmala's grandson. He is VK ...Continue reading
After tasting success with his recently released ‘Prema Katha Chitram’, actor Krishna’s son-in-law Sudheer Babu is set to do his next film under the direction of a debut director Hanuman. Interesti...Continue reading
On the occasion of his birthday today, Superstar Krishna took to planting saplings at his Nanakramaguda residence as part of the Green India Challenge, which is an initiative of Rajya Sabha MP J Sa...Continue reading
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