Actor Karthi was in Hyderabad on Monday to attend the pre-release event of his movie, 'Sathyam Sundaram'. On the occasion, he described the Tirupati Laddu issue as a "sensitive topic". As a reactio...Continue reading
Hero Karthi’s upcoming movie ‘Dev’ is going to release on February 14th, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day. The film’s audio launch was held on the eve Sankranthi i.e...Continue reading
What makes actor Karthi so much unique is that he doesn’t just get involved in a project to wear greasepaint, but gets completely blended as a whole to the film. His involvement is so intense...Continue reading
The first look of ‘Dev’ featuring Karthi is unveiled. Being directed by Rajath Ravishankar, ‘DEV’ is touted to be an action drama and hero Karthi is seen in a stylish avatar...Continue reading
Karthi is unhappy. His film recently release 'Khakee' is doing good business. Weekend for the film was great. We will have to see if the momentum continues. But why us Karthi unhappy? The promotio...Continue reading
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