Vikram and Jagapathy Babu starrer action thriller ‘Shiva Thaandavam’ (Thaandavam in Tamil) is directed by A L Vijay. The film also features Anushka Shetty, Amy Jackson and Lakshmi Rai as leading la...Continue reading
It’s known to all that a bilingual film titled (in Tamil) ‘Druva Natchitaram’ in the combination of Gautham Menon and Surya went on sets few weeks ago. However, the director wanted to make some ma...Continue reading
A song titled 'Chola Chola' from 'Ponniyin Selvan-I' was released at an event in Hyderabad on Friday. Composed by AR Rahman, it is a Mano-Anurag Kulkarni rendition. Speaking at the song launch eve...Continue reading
Director Shankar’s ‘I’ with Chiyan Vikram as hero, is coming to the audience on 14th of January with U/A certificate without any obstacles and problems. High budget movie maker Aascar Ravichandran ...Continue reading
After producing super hit film RGV's 'Phoonk 2' in Telugu, Hindi and Tamil, young producer and distributor Prasanth Goud is coming up with one more blockbuster film in Telugu. Tamil film '10 Endrat...Continue reading
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