The other day, the glimpse video of 'Ghaati' featured Anushka Shetty in the role of a ferocious killer. The heroine, who is also the film's 'hero', chops the head of a beastly villain, and proceeds...Continue reading
After the Chennai family court granted divorce to Prabhu Deva from his wife Ramlatha, the actor visited Guruvayoor Temple in Kerala recently to offer prayers. As per the sources, Prabhu Deva and N...Continue reading
The upcoming film ‘Babu Bangaram’ featuring Victory Venkatesh and Nayantara is being directed by sensational director Maruthi. The single track launch date for the film has been locked and announce...Continue reading
Venkatesh and Nayantara impressed fans with their chemistry in ‘Lakshmi’ and ‘Tulasi’, especially in the popular number ‘Lakshmi Bava…Lakshmi Bava…’ from ‘Lakshmi’. Since the chemistry between ...Continue reading
Krish’s ‘Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum’ starring Rana and Nayantara is currently progressing in Ramoji Film City. In KVJ, the hero who follows certain principles in life, enunciated in Bhagavad-Gita, ...Continue reading
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