Charmi’s ‘Prema Oka Maikam’ is expected in theaters either during this month end or in the 1st week of July. Charmi will be seen in the role of a prostitute in the story that revolves around three...Continue reading
Charmi-Jagapathi Babu starrer ‘Nagaram Nidra Potunna Vela’ has its audio launching event recently. This movie which is directed by Prem Raj and produced by Nandi Srihari under Gurudev Creations (P...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda was on Thursday in Mumbai to attend the birthday bash of Apoorva Mehta, the CEO and producer at Dharma Productions. Mehta is associated with 'Liger', VD's first pan-India flick. ...Continue reading
On Sunday, the core team of 'Liger' was at a mall in Navi Mumbai to promote their movie. Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday led the promotional event. They got on to the stage to deliver speeches....Continue reading
Charmi is all set sizzle alongside Nag in an item song in his forthcoming film ‘Damarukam’. This is the fourth time she is going to be seen in Nag’s film, the first three being ‘Mass’, ‘King’ and ...Continue reading
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