'Simbaa', starring Jagapathi Babu, Anasuya Bharadwaj, Gowtami and Vasista Simha in lead roles, will hit the cinemas on August 9. Its Trailer launch event was held on Wednesday. Anasuya said the fi...Continue reading
It's known that director Maruthi is doing a film titled 'Pakka Commercial' with Gopichand as the hero. The project is said to be a remake of the Hindi-language film 'Jolly LLB 2'. The 'Prati Roju P...Continue reading
There is a reason the makers of 'Michael' kicked off the promotions of the movie by unveiling a romantic song rendered by Sid Sriram. Titled 'Neevuntey Chaalu', the song was indicative of what was ...Continue reading
Yuavasamrat Naga Chaitanya took to his Twitter to make an announcement regarding the movie release of the upcoming flick 'Thank You Brother'. Starring Anasuya Bharadwaj and Viraj Ashwin as the lead...Continue reading
‘Rangasthalam’, a period drama set in 1985 era, is one of the most awaited films of the year. We all know that Anasuya plays a crucial role in Ram Charan and Samantha starrer ‘Ran...Continue reading
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