"True Love triumphs over all odds," wrote VK Naresh, unveiling the teaser for 'Malli Pelli'. The film, directed by MS Raju, is a dramatized interpretation of the events from the lives of Naresh, hi...Continue reading
VK Naresh has paired up with his real-life soulmate Pavitra Lokesh for a film titled 'Malli Pelli'. The film's amusing teaser was releasedd recently. The news is that the romantic family drama wil...Continue reading
'Malli Pelli' was released in theatres on May 26. At the film's success meet today, VK Naresh thanked the audience, director MS Raju, composer Suresh Bobbili, and others. Speaking on the occasion,...Continue reading
'Malli Pelli', starring VK Naresh and Pavitra Lokesh, is arriving on OTT. The relationship drama will stream on two OTT platforms from June 23: Amazon Prime Video and Aha Video. "The story of the ...Continue reading
VK Naresh has paired up with his real-life soulmate Pavitra Lokesh for a film titled 'Malli Pelli'.The news is that the film's teaser will be out on April 13. The teaser will be released in both Te...Continue reading
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