'Mangalavaaram' was released in theatres five days ago. On Tuesday, at a grand event attended by Vishwak Sen as the chief guest, the team did something nobody would have expected them to. A twist t...Continue reading
RX100 fame actress Payal Rajput unveiled the title logo of 'Sri Sai Venkateswara Cine Creations' first production earlier today. Titled as 'Sound' (captioned as - Multibrand), the film features n...Continue reading
‘RX 100’ which hit the screens as a small film is creating sensation at the box office. The film starring Payal Rajput and Karthikeya under the direction of Ajay Bhupathi became a block...Continue reading
One of the popular films this year RX100 will be remade in Bollywood. Many cine industries are remaking this film. Kollywood is already working on it. Producers from Kannada cinema have also bought...Continue reading
A few weeks ago, actor Aadi SaiKumar and 'RX 100' star Payal Rajput teamed up for a movie titled 'Kirathaka'. Directed by M Veerabhadram, the film is a crime thriller. On Thursday, Vision Cinemaas...Continue reading
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